Thursday, November 18, 2010

Anthakarana logo

Anthakarana asked me to help them come up with some logo ideas. Anthakarana means a bridge under a rainbow leading from the material to the spiritual. Anthakarana to this ecoaldea also means family, life, and fertility, love.

The first is a bird with all the 4 elements: water, earth, fire and wind. Anthkarana sandskrit symbol is in the center of the bird and the colors of the rainbow corresponds with the elements.

The second concept is just the sandskrit for Anthakarana in a design that has refeerences to the sun, flowers, life and again the rainbow colors that relate to the bridge from the spiritual to the material.

1 comment:

  1. sweet designs! I especially like the bird.. I noticed that some of the anthakarana are clockwise and others are counterclockwise, might there be a differing symbolism?
