Monday, October 18, 2010

Altamira farm

Granja Altamira
Altamira is a farm in San Francisco that has been around for 130 years as a coffee farm. Owner Hernando Nino for the last ten years has transformed it into an organic farm using a very interesting system called Radiestecia or Radiesthesia.

I do not fully understand all the facets of this system but he explained that like a person has a rhythm or heartbeat that should fall within a normal range so too do plants. He measures this beat or electromagnetic pulse with different instruments then tries to correct it to a healthy level using copper wires wrapped around the plant to draw energy to the roots and increases produciton.

Below is an avocado tree that produces 1,400 avacados
(an normal tree produces only 200-300).
Here in his Maloca he energizes the seeds then stores them in a capsule designed by NASA to keep the elements out.
Hernando believes that illnesses such as cancer are caused by increasing levels of radioactivity caused by issues such as depletion of the ozone. He claims that these issues can also be healed by correcting the radiation in the body. Around his maloca he has rocks from all over Colombia that contain the 37 Chemical Elements of the human body. Such as gold, potassium,and iron. As I walked on the stones I could feel that they are very different temperatures and Hernando knew each stones content and temperature by heart. He believes these rocks can correct this radioactivity.

His gardens are a huge yard of various plants such as a permaculturist would do. He also has metal wires around the garden to correct the electrostatic energy. This is a tool to measure radioactivity in the soil. He also has a pendulum that was given to him by a russian professor. With this pendulum he claims to have the ability to detect illness, and find metals or water in the ground.

This is his lab with a table of natural products he creates as well.

Altamira also has remants of an Indigenous healing place.
Below is a carving in the rock of a circle.
I love these amazing air plants.

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