A pretty cool thing this week is that Mike told me I won the t-shirt contest! He said he picked it before he knew it was mine and it was great for him to be able to tell me in person while I was at the build. I am glad to be spreading the word through my design.
It was a pretty eventful week, the house went from bones to a fully covered and insulated cozy home. The main functioning systems of the house like the greenhouse, greywater containment system and solar power are near completion.
Over the weekend we had an awesome boar BBQ and Micheal told me about his next big plan to create a village learning center in the heart of the Galapagos. He wants to call it G.I.V.E. Galapagos Institute of Village Ecologies. It will be a place for people from all over the word to learn hands how to create a sustainable lifestyle within a community. I couldn't imagine a better place for this project than the origin of evolutionary insight whose lush forests inspire the utmost reverence for natural biological systems.
Below are week 3 pictures
Brian puts the glue for the inside windows in with Mike
Rebecca sets bottle bricks for a sparkling entry way
Steve and I drilling the metal panels on the outside. These will be the final protective layer of the house.
Lunch -the best time of day and Chris makes bomb lunches.
I live in the DFW area and I would love to know how to get in contact with the owner of this earthship. I think in one of the videos he mentioned allowing tours or renting it out?